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Powered by Discord.JS


  • FFGFlash

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> npm install --save ffg-discord-framework



const { Bot } = require("ffg-discord-framework");

let bot = new Bot({
    prefix: "!", // The global command prefix
    developers: [ 12345678901234567890 ], // A list of Discord IDs that grant developer permissions
    deleteTimer: 5, // How long a response should stay in chat
    embed: {}, // Default embed options used when creating an embed with 'bot.createEmbed()'
    commands: [ // Commands here are added to the "core" module.
      {name: "example_inline", options: { /* Same as below */ }, execute: function(msg) {}}
    modules: [ // Inline modules
      {name: "example_inline", options: { /* ... */ }, initialize: function() {}}

bot.addModule("example", {
  commands: [
    {name: "test", options: { /* ... */ }, execute = function(msg) {
      this.data.hello_world += "!";
      return msg.reply(this.data.hello_world);
}).initialize = function() {
  this.data.hello_world = "Hello World";

bot.core.addCommand("example", {
    description: "An example command.", // A description of the command
    devOnly: false, // Whether the author needs developer permissions or not
    permissions: new Discord.Permission(0), // Permissions required to execute this command (guild only)
    guildOnly: false, // Determines whether or not the command will be respected within DM channels
    arguments: [ // List of arguments or argument descriptors
        {name: "arg1", options: {optional: false, description: "A required argument."}},
        {name: "arg2", options: {optional: true, description: "An optional argument."}}
}).execute = (msg, arg1, arg2) => msg.reply(`Example! Arg1: ${arg1} Arg2: ${arg2}`); // Returning a Discord.Message or Promise<Discord.Message> will delete the response after bot.deleteTimer seconds.


Module File

// ./modules/example.js
module.exports = {
  options: {
    description: "An example module.",
    devOnly: true,
    permissions: new Discord.Permission(0),
    guildOnly: false,
    commands: [
      {name: "example", options: { /* ... */ }, execute: function(msg) {
        return msg.reply(this.data.global_module_variable);
  initialize: function() {
    this.data.global_module_variable = "Hello World!"; // This can be accessed by any command within the scope of the module.

Command File

// ./modules/core/example.js
module.exports = {
    options: {
        description: "An example command.",
        devOnly: false,
        permissions: new Discord.Permission(0),
        guildOnly: false,
        arguments: [
            {name: "arg1", options: {optional: false, description: "A required argument."}},
            {name: "arg2", options: {optional: true, description: "An optional argument."}}
    execute: function(msg, arg1, arg2) {
        return msg.reply(`Example! Arg1: ${arg1}, Arg2: ${arg2}`);

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